Search results for: Winner in category "5 - 8 years"
823 results found.
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Total Motivation ELA-Georgia [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 6 - 12 | By Mentoring Minds | Total Motivation ELA addresses 100 percent of the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) with rigorous content d...
Dooley Bear Adventures - Arizona! [All Ages] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 1 - 5 | By Dooley Bear Adventures, LLC | Dooley Bear Adventures - Arizona! is a children's picture book that includes online parent handbooks...
Mumaloo Craft Box [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 3 - 7 | By Mumaloo | We are here to provide pre-packaged arts and crafts, that come with ALL necessary materials and a set of easy to follow ...
Little Learning Hands World Explorers Subscription Box [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Ages 6 - 12 | By Little Learning Hands | Little Learning Hands World Explorers is the only kids subscription box that blends hands-on learning act...
Artropia Themed Box [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Ages 4 - 9 | By Artropia | Artropia is designed for children aged 4-9. By merging the best elements of arts education, hands-on crafts and digital...
The Perfect Day Box [All Ages] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 5 - 8 | By The Perfect Day Box, LLC | The Perfect Day Box contains the award-winning album, Cranberry Red Balloon by Tab Laven, an exclusive ...
Count, Add, Subtract! Fun With Math, Music and Movement [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 3 - 7 | By Hap-Pal Music | Join Hap Palmer to Count, Add, Subtract! Music and Movement Come Together to Make Math Fun (Seriously!)
Awakening [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 5 - 13 | By Legends of Learning | Awakening is a game-based learning world filled with fun math and science experiences. Teachers may assign ... [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 3 - 13 | By | is the leading online education resource center for kids in preK through eighth grade. With a compr...
Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 8 - 12 | By City Creek Press, Inc. | Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids teaches the 0s through 9s times tables using cartoons and stories...