Blog Badges
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Blog Product Badges

Academics' Choice Awards™ help parents and educators validate claims such as "critical thinking" and "educational toy" with a qualified, standardized, scientific and objective approach to evaluation.
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Official Mind-Building Advocate Badges
Showcase our official mind-building badge on your Web site, blog or social network page.
1) Copy the embed code below the badge.
2) Go to your website, blog or social network page.
3) Paste the code onto the page.
Option 1:
Official Mind-Building Advocate Badge (300w x 250h)
Option 2:
Official Mind-Building Advocate Badge (170w x 460h)

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Option 3:
Official Mind-Building Advocate Badge (150w x 150h)
Academics' Choice Awards Advocate

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Want us to tweak an existing badge? Let us know!