Search results for: in category "12 - 16 years"
528 results found.
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Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 5 - 13 | By Project Learning Tree | Explore Your Environment offers real-world learning experiences to connect children to nature and to incr...
The Darius Webb Adventures: An Aaron Rodgers Story [All Ages] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 9 - 14 | By Ashe Books | Darius Webb is headed to a new town and a new adventure . . . but he's also back in high school and it's 1998. Darie...
MORE It's All Animals [All Ages] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 9 - 14 | By High Noon Books | This 5-book hi-lo series uses fascinating facts about animals to introduce life science vocabulary and concepts.
The Not OK Pet Sitters [All Ages] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 9 - 14 | By High Noon Books | This 5-book hi-lo set is about Oscar and Kate, who decide to be pet sitters for the summer.
Lightbox Subscription [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Ages 5 - 18 | By Smartbook Media Inc. | Lightbox digital titles come packed with fully integrated media features, including embedded videos, slide...
AV2 Subscription [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 5 - 14 | By Weigl Educational Publishers | AV2 offers a wide range of different subscription packages. Each subscription is available in both...
Ranger Rick Zoodinos Tyrannosaurus Rex [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Ages 5 and up | By National Wildlife Federation | Sink your teeth into tons of bone-crushing facts about Tyrannosaurus Rex. The book includes a we...
La Aldea: Historias para pensar el Pais [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 7 - 12 | By Clickarte / El Espectador / Colombia2020 | La Aldea is a multi-platform pedagogical strategy whose purpose is to train children b...
Ranger Rick Zoobooks [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 6 - 12 | By National Wildlife Federation | With sharks, you have to expect the unexpected, and this book--indeed, the whole Zoobooks series--...
Science Stumpers [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Ages 8 and up | By Missing Piece Press, LLC | Science Stumpers has a game-like quality that kids enjoy both solo and in group settings. It's a fun...