Search results for: Books in category "All Ages"
319 results found.
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FlintoClass [All Ages] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 1.5 - 5.5 | By Flinto Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd | FlintoClass is a patent-pending, revolutionary preschool system that packs everything nee...
Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 8 - 12 | By City Creek Press, Inc. | Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids teaches the 0s through 9s times tables using cartoons and stories...
Dooley Bear Adventures - Scotland! [All Ages] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 1 - 7 | By Dooley Bear Ventures, LLC | Dooley Bear Adventures - Scotland! is a children's picture book that includes online parent handbooks ...
Planets [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 5 - 7 | By Weigl Publishers Inc. | There is life on Earth. There is no life on other planets in our solar system. Each planet turns like a to...
Superpower Academy Subscription [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Ages 5 - 10 | By Superpower Academy | Superpower Academy is a fun and educational subscription for kids, ages 5-10. We deliver hands-on projects...
TEKS Mastery Series (ELA) [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 6 - 12 | By Mentoring Minds | The TEKS Mastery Series from Mentoring Minds guides educators as they design and execute instruction leading to...
From Biting to Hugging: Understanding Social Development in Infants and Toddlers [All Ages] [0 - 12 months] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [16 years and up]
Ages 18 and up | By Gryphon House, Inc. | With the increase in both parents working outside the home during the last two decades, infants and todd...
A Lion's World [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Ages 5 - 7 | By Weigl Publishers Inc. | Did you know that a lion?s roar can be heard from 5 miles away? A lion may sleep for 20 hours each day. Di...
Effective Discipline Policies: How to Create a System that Supports Young Children's Social-Emotional Competence [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [16 years and up]
Ages 18 and up | By Gryphon House, Inc. | Challenging behaviors can derail an early childhood classroom, and punishment and exclusion aren't the a...
TEKS Mastery Series (Math) [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years]
Ages 6 - 12 | By Mentoring Minds | The TEKS Mastery Series from Mentoring Minds guides educators as they design and execute instruction leading to...