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Search results for: Books in category "All Ages"

321 results found.

33 pages of results.
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World Building Classic [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Price: $23.56
Type: Toy, Book, Game, Arts & Crafts
Award Year: 2020
Ages 6 - 11 | By Little World Builder | World Building Classic is one of our architecture editions that inspires and teaches children aged 6-11 ab...
Speech Blubs [All Ages] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Price: $0.00
Type: App, Audio, Book
Award Year: 2020
Ages 1 - 8 | By Blub Blub Inc. | The Speech Blubs app is an interactive, educational, and fun tool that helps pre-school kids jump-start their spe...
Smart Tales [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Price: $7.99
Type: App, Book, Game
Award Year: 2020
Ages 3 - 6 | By Marshmallow Games srl | Smart Tales is a rich library of interactive stories that kids approach to STEM subjects (Science, Technol...
Kids Storybook Torch [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Price: $28.80
Type: Toy, Book, Gear & Equipment
Award Year: 2020
Ages 3 and up | By Ningbo Mideer Toys Co., Ltd. | The creative idea of the KIDS STORYBOOK TORCH is to combine the functions of story-projection, s...
Vooks [All Ages] [0 - 12 months] [12 - 36 months] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Price: $0.00
Type: Book, Video, Audio, App, Website
Award Year: 2020
Ages 6 mo. - 8 years | By Vooks, Inc. | Vooks is the only video platform dedicated to creating and streaming animated children's storybooks. By ad...
The Learning Ally Audiobook Solution [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years]
Price: $135.00
Type: Audio, App, Book, Website
Award Year: 2020
Ages 3 - 12 | By Learning Ally | Students with learning differences, including dyslexia, make up a large population of today's learners. These stu...
Pixton EDU [All Ages] [5 - 8 years] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Price: $99.00
Type: Website, Book, Arts & Crafts
Award Year: 2020
Ages 7 and up | By Pixton Comics Inc. | Pixton EDU is a web-app that gives teachers and students a unique way to create stories, demonstrate learn...
Shmoop [All Ages] [8 - 12 years] [12 - 16 years] [16 years and up]
Price: $0.00
Type: Website, Book, Software
Award Year: 2015, 2020
Ages 8 - 18 | By Shmoop University, Inc. | Shmoop University, Inc. was founded in 2008, under the concept that the idea of learning was too hard. ...
Price: $12.99
Type: Book
Award Year: 2019
Ages 3 - 7 | By Linguacious | The Little Polyglot Book series are a much-awaited paperback version of the award-winning Linguacious vocabulary fla...
Animal Stories [All Ages] [3 - 5 years] [5 - 8 years]
Price: $16.99
Type: Book
Award Year: 2019
Ages 3 - 5 | By Bob Books Publishing, LLC | In Bob Books: Animal Stories you will find 12 easy-to-read and humorous books, all featuring silly ani...
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